Monday, March 10, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Most Underrated Women in Wrestling

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Who do you think is the most underrated woman in WWE or TNA history? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • @AlisaCKost: WWE had Serena Deeb and did nothing with her. CRIMINAL! Then TNA had Hamada and she should have been a force there.
  • Ashley Matthew: I’m going to avoid listing the same people everyone else is. I do think Joy Giovanni was underrated. She had such a short time in WWE before they released her. She had personality and beauty and had they given her time to train before releasing her shortly after signing her, she probably could have been a good wrestler. They just never gave her a chance after Amy Weber quit.
  • Donnelle Nellez Johnson: Jacqueline, the most underrated in the history of BOTH promotions!
  • @DreamWWEDiva: I’d say Torrie Wilson and Tara. They did so much for the division and deserve way more credit than they get!
  • @DSlam123: In TNA, I say Raisha Saeed/Alissa Flash. Great skills but wasn’t put over much & was never Knockouts Champion. In WWE, Tamina Snuka. She has the power & strength to become champion, but she is always passed over for others.
  • @EricSturrock: Sarita in TNA. She deserved more! Awesome talent!
  • @FluffyMikeB: Molly Holly. Was far and above the best technician out of all the Attitude Era divas but never got the star treatment she deserved
  • @jordan_w21: Katie Lea/Winter comes to mind right away. Also Beth Phoenix never got over the way she should’ve in WWE.
  • Joseph Roberson: I’m gonna have to go with Terri/Marlena. She helped a ton of men get over and she had a LONG career with WWE. She should be mentioned in the same breath as Sunny and Sable, but for some reason WWE has all but erased her from the record books.
  • Khris Colon: Past I would have to say Jillian Hall. She was talented and got stuck with the horrible singing gig which she owned and made me crying but she can wrestle and deserved to be Divas Champ while she was there more than just 5 minutes.
  • @MissKateyxx: Maxine for sure! She made NXT a highlight of my week. Great talker and wrestler, and she had fab gear.
  • @numero0047: Luna Vachon. It’s a shame that egos and backstage politics held her down from ever holding the Women’s Championship at least once!
  • @Paul_Locky: Jacqueline in TNA and WWE and until recently in WWE, Alicia Fox.
  • Randi Parker: In WWE Jillian with out a doubt. TNA really missed out on Roxxi and Winter to be honest!
  • @thaavideoeditor: I want to say Ivory. is underrated. She didn’t get to have a lot of real matches for most of her time in the ‘E but she was good.
  • @thatdariachick: For me, Shelly Martinez because she is very unique. Talented in the ring with a Lost Boys look. There needs to be more like her.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! Who is the most underrated woman in WWE or TNA history?

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