Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Predictions for Charlotte vs. Paige at TLC

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Give us your predictions for Charlotte vs. Paige at TLC. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • @a_simko: I think Becky Lynch will get involved and possibly cost Charlotte the title.
  • @AntiDiva4Life10: I think Paige is gonna walk out champ either with help from Becky or a fuck up from Ric Flair.
  • @B_Ninja210: No contest, cause Sasha Banks gonna snatch these girls bald, and snatch the Divas Title, thus going Boss in Bo$$ton!
  • @bkelley24: Double count out when Becky attacks both Paige and Charlotte when ref is down.
  • Brooke Lopamia: Becky will turn Charlotte and Paige will win the title.
  • Mauricio Córdova: Now that Charlotte is “heel” and she can’t drop the title during this heel turn, the best is to keep Charlotte as champ. She’ll retain at Sunday and then she can start a feud with Becky Lynch.
  • Matthew Brown: Charlotte will retain the title. If they are to continue the feud between them both then I feel that Becky will be thrown into the mix to spice things up and make this feud a little more exciting and for Charlotte to cement her heel turn.
  • @NicNegrepontis: Charlotte retains with help from her dad, turning fully heel. Feud with Becky at the Rumble, Sasha and Becky at Mania (Triple Threat).
  • @RomanFNRegins: Becky Lynch gets involved by making Charlotte lose her title and joins Paige.
  • @Vitalia27: A double turn between Paige and Charlotte at TLC.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What is your prediction for Charlotte vs. Paige?

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