Monday, March 10, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Who Should Be a “Heyman Girl”?

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Paul Heyman has speculated that his next protege may be a “Heyman girl”. Which NXT Diva do you think he should choose? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

* Clinton Bowman: It shouldn’t be Paige…at all. Paige is a lot more serviceable as a face at this point. Now Charlotte? That would pretty much make a little more sense, being Ric Flair‘s daughter and all.

* @coleyhallXXX: Hope it’s Emma! She’s the best!

* David Bentz: Unless Raquel Diaz comes back (which would be awesome) he’ll go with “The Anti-Diva” Paige.

* @ImGoingCrazy: Charlotte, she’s a generational wrestler like Curtis Axel so she’d mesh well and who she is alone brings impact.

* Josue Guzman: I think Paul should surprise all of us and make his “Heyman Girl” the woman who’s been training the NXT roster: Sara Del Rey!

* @luchagorsx: Raquel Diaz. She’s a third generation Diva and a force to be reckoned with on the mic and in the ring.

* Paul McLoughlin: Paige, Kharma or Tamina Snuka. But I would like to see Tamina to be built up as a monster heel. Maybe with Heyman as her mouthpiece things could go very well for her.

* Randi Parker: I feel Paige is almost too obvious of a choice, but I wouldn’t mind her. He went with a generational Superstar in Curtis Axel, what if he goes for Charlotte?

* Raphael Lamounier: Paige is the first option, but maybe WWE can surprise with another Diva. It would be good to see Alicia Fox receiving that kind of attention!

* @RoderickClayton: How about Kharma? WrestleMania 30: Kharma/Brock Lesnar vs. Lita/CM Punk. That would be a great match.

* Steven Twyman: To come to Raw as a regular wouldn’t Paige have to drop the NXT Women’s Championship first? It should be Tamina. She deserves a big time push!

* @SymonPeak: Anyone but Paige, Bayley or Emma. They’re all good enough to debut on their own terms, not as a token female in Heyman’s stable.

* @themib: Think Paige fits what Heyman looks for the best out of any of the NXT Divas. She’d produce immediate dividends.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Who should be the first “Heyman girl”?

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